Split Operating

Split Operating

Frequently, while DXing or Contesting, the separate frequencies are used to transmit and receive.  This is a result of many stations simultaneously calling one station. To prevent the overlap of all the callers, the called station asks for the callers to spread out over a few kilohertz below or above their own frequency. Though RIT can be used for this, a better option is to set the VFO A to the transmitting frequency and use the VFO B to listen.

  • Turn on the SPLIT by touching the SPLIT  button. Now, VFO A will be your transmitting frequency and VFO B will be your listening frequency.
  • Switch to VFO A  frequency and dial in your transmit frequency. Now, switch to  VFO B  and tune to your receive frequency.
  • Now, when you transmit, the frequency of VFO A will be used. When transmission ends, the frequency of VFO B will be switched back.
  • You can end the split operation by tapping on the  SPLIT  button again.

The A and B frequencies may be really away from each other. You can set them to the current frequency on display by touching on the  A=B  button.

At times you may want to swap the transmitting and receiving frequencies. This is done with the  A<>B  button.